Home Take Control: If You Don’t, Who Will?

Take Control: If You Don’t, Who Will?

The User's Profile charleshughsmith April 29, 2016
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Executive Summary

  • We know how to farm regeneratively, not extractively, today. We just need to choose to do so.
  • Learning from the recent summit with Joel Salatin, Toby Hemenway & Singing Frogs Farm
  • The 3 most important components underlying our future health
  • What you can do to take control of your health in ways that will enhance your quality of life

If you have not yet read Why We’re So Unhealthy, available free to all readers, please click here to read it first.

In Part 1, we examined the structure of our self-organizing centralized food/illness/healthcare system. In Part 2, we look at what we can do to foster a better, healthier and ultimately much more affordable alternative system.

Permaculture and Regenerative Agriculture/Horticulture

I have to start by thanking Peak Prosperity’s Adam Taggart for organizing the permaculture conference we attended, Better Soil, Better Food…A Better World. As a long-time gardener, I learned some things that I can apply to my own postage-stamp urban garden (for example, never leave soil bare—plant seedlings immediately after harvesting the current crop of veggies).

I also learned about the perniciously destructive nature of our system of growing, processing, distributing and consuming food.  As noted in Part 1, the only possible result of our unhealthy food/illness/health system is ill-health.

The best way to become healthy is to opt out of the entire system. Removing oneself from one subsystem is a good start but insufficient, due to the interconnected nature of the system. Eliminating fast food, for example, is a good start, but the vast majority of packaged and convenience foods are made with the same ingredients as fast food.

This is difficult to do by design. As Joel Salatin explains in Everything I Want To Do Is Illegal: War Stories from the Local Food Front , alternatives are regulated out of existence or made so burdensome that few have the fortitude to push against centralized government policies that are sold as “public safety” while actually protecting the monopolies that profit from our sick system.

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"Good on ya!"
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