Home Ask the Adviser: Bob Fitzwilson

Ask the Adviser: Bob Fitzwilson

The User's Profile Adam Taggart August 18, 2012
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This week, we’re trying something new in our regular podcast series. Chris talks with Bob Fitzwilson, founder of one of the financial advisory firms that we endorse.

Last week we invited Peak Prosperity readers to submit their top questions about money and investing. You didn’t disappoint.

In the podcast below, Chris puts your questions to Bob. We think you’ll be pleased with the results.

We addressed as many questions as we could in this first conversation. Most of the reader submissions regarded general investing strategy, retirement accounts, precious metals, and/or market risk — so we focused primarily on those topics.

If you value this sort of Q&A with an experienced advisor whose investing outlook is aligned with the Crash Course framework, let us know in the Comments section below. If the response is positive enough, we’ll turn this into a regular segment (likely a once-per-quarter event). And we’ll involve our other advisors, as well.

And if after listening to the podcast, you find yourself interested in connecting with our recommended advisory services, please use the form here to do so.

Transparency note:  As a result of our public endorsement of Bob’s firm, Peak Prosperity has a commercial relationship with them. The details of this relationship are clearly presented in writing during the referral process — but the punchline is, our relationship does NOT result in any increased fees to those who become clients.


It should go without saying: this discussion should not be construed as individual financial advice by those listening to it. The content should be taken as informational and educational in nature only. Investment advice must be tailored to your specific personal situation (which Chris and Bob are obviously unaware of) and should be obtained directly from a financial advisor you trust. Before acting on any of the statements made in this podcast, we advise you do just that.


Click the play button below to listen to Chris’ interview with Bob Fitzwilson (46m:30s):

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