Welcome to Part II of my conversation with Erik Townsend, a distinguished investor, successful entrepreneur, and all-around good guy who is trying to do the right things.
What does Erik’s life experience see when he gazes across the actions of current leadership and our feckless media? Let’s just say that things really aren’t adding up anymore for Erik.
From the Covid lab leak to the initial invasion of Iraq to oil markets, and even to 9/11 the official stories and the press’s relating of them are either sloppy logic or works of pure fiction.
Tune in to hear more along the lines of this quote by Erik:
“Oil’s a finite resource. It can’t possibly last forever. What I do know for certain is it will take more years to transition off of it than we have left before. It’s not going to run out. But before we get to the peak oil moment where we cannot increase production, it’s going to take more years to transition off of it. We’re not starting that transition.”
So, let’s get started and uncover the wisdom that Erik Townsend brings to the table.