We live in an age of universal government receipt. We’ve learned that whenever given a choice, US government agencies will lie instead of telling the truth, and will classify as “secret” even the most mundane of documents, especially any that might prove embarrassing to its activities.
Over the years the “camel’s nose under the tent” has morphed into the entire camel being in the tent. The Fed used to intervene in the markets rarely, now they intervene in “”markets”” daily and sometimes minute-by-minute to maintain the fiction of “all is well!”
The CDC lied about Covid vaccine harms and continues to lie to this very day, unable to parse through the simplest of risk/benefit logic such as the inability of the Covid vaccines to offer more benefit than risk to healthy young adults and children.
And now? I am proposing that the much-hyped “free and fair” US financial markets are probably fictions…(more…)