Home Food Shortages For The UK, Climate Change and Creak! Pop!

Food Shortages For The UK, Climate Change and Creak! Pop!

Bad weather leading to farming difficulties is being immediately linked to and blamed on Climate Change. This is one of their many attack fronts. Meanwhile, US economic statistics are pointing to a rather sudden downturn in housing construction and that prior job reports were vastly overstated.,

The User's Profile Chris Martenson May 1, 2024
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What isn’t under attack these days?  While leaving no stone unturned, the WEF crowd are still coming hard after our farms and cows.

I presume they do this because none of them are actually farmers or have any real clue at all about where their food comes from or the issues involved.

For example, making the blanket statement that cows are bad for the environment and cause more climate change than plants overlooks the fact that much of the land on which we raise animals isn’t suited to growing grains or veggies.

Some is pasture land and that is its highest and best use.

Meanwhile, the financial raccoons assure that  (More…)

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