Home A Step-by-Step Analysis of the Copenhaver Film

A Step-by-Step Analysis of the Copenhaver Film

The incredible Copenhaver film shows Crooks running across the AGR rooftops 3 minutes before the first shot rang out. This settles some questions, but raises many others, most notably how exactly are we supposed to believe that that the Secret Service agent in charge of placing the sniper teams was THAT incompetent?

The User's Profile Chris Martenson August 1, 2024
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We now have a clear and comprehensive view of Crooks’ movements due to a startling video recorded by none other than James Copenhaver, the 74-year-old Butler-rally shooting victim.

With Crooks’ movements across the roof, we can trace his path to his shooting position and narrow down the options for where he first got onto the roof.

For now, we can exclude any use of the parking lot side of the AGR complex, especially including the infamous ladder behind the three cedar trees in the nook.  That’s now GREEN data until proven otherwise.

With this information, and an incredible stitch-together of videos by MilkBarTV we now have a really clear view of Crooks’ movements and behaviors starting about three minutes before the first shot was fired through to the last, or tenth, shot being fired.

However the placement of the SS sniper teams raises extremely troubling questions about SAIC Tim Burke’s competence at a minimum, but something worse if we consider these placements were done with a different motive in mind.

And we’ve got additional questions about exactly how, why, and mostly glaringly when the ESU team abandoned their posts in the overwatch building attached to AGR Building 6.

More to come…

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