Home Best Practices For Preventing & Treating Covid-19
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Best Practices For Preventing & Treating Covid-19

The User's Profile Adam Taggart August 7, 2020
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Given all that we know after our months of intensively tracking the coronavirus pandemic, what are the best ways to prevent & treat it?

1) Everyone should invest in boosting the “terrain” of their own body’s health. Boost your intake of Vitamins D & C, eat healthy, get plenty of rest, and avoid stress.

2) Everyone should wear a mask, practice social distance, and get tested asap if exposure or illness is suspected. At-risk people deserve extra precautionary protections.

3) If exposed or in initial sickness stages, administer HCQ+ within 2 days or sooner of symptoms onset.

4) If symptoms progress, switch to administering the MATH+ cocktail.

5) If symptoms worsen further, deliver advanced therapeutic support, ideally in a hospital setting.

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