Home Daily Digests The Finance-Fiasco, Fauci’s Funding, and Biden’s Bill

The Finance-Fiasco, Fauci’s Funding, and Biden’s Bill

From finance fiascos to Fauci’s funding and Biden’s bill, this article covers it all. Discover the hidden history of global commerce control, Peter Schiff’s warning of an impending crisis, Fauci’s million-dollar lifestyle, questionable allocations in Biden’s war package, the effectiveness of flu and COVID-19 shots, and the erosion of civil liberties. Brace yourself for a wild ride!

The User's Profile Ivor October 23, 2023
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In the realm of finance, a historical analysis of private banking systems reveals a pattern of control over global commerce, starting with the Federal Reserve Act and the Bretton-Woods agreement. The establishment of the First and Second Banks of the United States, the creation of the Federal Reserve in 1913, and the suspension of the gold convertibility of the US dollar in 1971 are all cited as key milestones. The petrodollar system, which saw the US guaranteeing military safety to oil-producing nations in exchange for selling oil only in dollars, is also highlighted. The article further discusses the invasions of Iraq and Libya, which were allegedly driven by the desire to maintain dollar hegemony and prevent the rise of alternative currencies.

Meanwhile, financial analyst Peter Schiff warns of an impending financial crisis, drawing parallels with the 2008 crisis. He points to the bond market as evidence of the financial system unwinding, with long-term bond yields rising relentlessly. Schiff also highlights the negative trend in leading economic indicators, suggesting that the economy is weaker than experts claim. He mentions the record credit card debt and interest rates, as well as the problems faced by banks and financial companies due to the deflating bubble.

In the political sphere, Anthony Fauci’s taxpayer-funded lifestyle has come under scrutiny. Despite his retirement from government work, Fauci’s security detail and chauffeur services, estimated to cost around $1 million per month, are funded by the American taxpayer. Fauci justifies these costs by citing threats he has received from the “extreme radical right.”

In other news, Joe Biden’s $106 billion war package has been criticized for its allocation of funds, including $61 billion for Ukraine, $14 billion for Hamas, $14 billion for border security, and $14 billion for humanitarian purposes. Critics argue that these expenditures contribute to fiscal catastrophe and question the necessity of US involvement in the territorial conflict in Ukraine.

On the health front, a new study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association claims that neither the flu shots nor COVID-19 injections are effective in reducing one’s risk of hospitalization. The study, conducted by the Federal Veterans Administration, found no statistical significance in death benefit between those who receive one or two doses of the shots versus those who are unvaccinated.

In terms of civil liberties, parallels have been drawn between the Hamas attacks on Israel and the aftermath of 9/11, particularly the negative consequences of the USA Patriot Act, which expanded the government’s powers and undermined civil liberties. The article argues that pre-emptive strikes and prolonged wars have led to blowback, costing lives and taxpayer dollars. It also addresses the use of torture and the erosion of privacy rights due to mass surveillance.


Peter Schiff Warns of Looming Financial Crisis

This is the most obvious financial crisis that nobody sees coming. I mean, this isn’t even a black swan. This isn’t even a white swan. This is like a pigeon. They’re everywhere. This is a very common bird that is not coming out of left field. It’s right there.

Source | Submitted by aaronmckeon

Joe Biden's $106 Billion War Package Adds to National Debt, Lacks Homeland Security Enhancements

$61 billion for a war that undermines Homeland security, $14 billion to an ally that doesn’t need it, $14 billion for a Border War that could be ended with the large-scale Guest Worker program that America desperately needs, and $14 billion for do-goodism in a world that has had more than enough of Washington’s good works for a long time to come.

Source | Submitted by aaronmckeon

Lessons Unlearned: Reflections on the USA Patriot Act and the War on Terror

“Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same in any country.”—Hermann Goering, German military commander and Hitler’s designated successor.

Source | Submitted by nickythec

JAMA Study Finds No Reduction in Hospitalizations from Flu or COVID Shots

[I]f you were vaccinated with the primary series vs. unvaccinated, they found NO STATISTICALLY SIGNIFICANT DEATH BENEFIT.

Source | Submitted by nickythec

Fauci's Taxpayer-Funded Lifestyle Raises Questions

You can have your own opinion about a given fact and how to interpret it, but you’re not entitled to your own set of facts.

Source | Submitted by nickythec

Private Bankers' System of Slavery Exposed in "All Wars Are Bankers' Wars"

“I know many people have a great deal of difficulty comprehending just how many wars are started for no other purpose than to force private central banks onto nations, Michael Rivero wrote and gave some examples “so that you understand why the US Government is mired in so many wars against so many foreign nations.”

Source | Submitted by nickythec

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