Home Decoding The Japanese Carry Trade Tsunami
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Decoding The Japanese Carry Trade Tsunami

The “markets” are busy shaking themselves apart on the one hand and being propped up and rescued by central banks on the other.  Which force will prove to be greater over the next few months?

The User's Profile Chris Martenson August 8, 2024
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The “markets” are busy shaking themselves apart on the one hand and being propped up and rescued by central banks on the other.  Which force will prove to be greater over the next few months?

The answer lies in understanding that the stock sell-offs we see are caused by the underlying stresses, not the cause of the volatility.

Now is when having a risk-managed portfolio strategy is most important.  People are going to be panicking into and out of positions based on what they are seeing and experiencing, but history shows that’s a great way for the average investor to wind up on the wrong end of the trades.

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