I’m thrilled to continue the conversation that I started publicly with Damion Lupo, diving deeper into subjects that touch the heart of both our communities. Many of you remember the drive behind the Crash Course in 2008 – it was about understanding our changing world. Now, I find a renewed passion: human connection. As our lives become increasingly digital, there’s a genuine hunger for authenticity and depth, and I see this virtual realm as a stepping stone to tangible, real-world relationships.
In every aspect of his life, be it as a gardener, father, or partner, Damion believes in crafting a strong foundation for things to flourish. I resonate deeply with this, as it parallels my own mission of fostering an environment where people connect, learn, and grow (which I think of as a container).
As social media drives us all apart and creates a sense of loneliness within and among so many, real connection becomes more and more obviously the antidote.
I hope you enjoy this conversation as much as I did.