One of the ‘tricks’ deployed by the Build Back Better/WEF/Progressives crowd is to tear down our statues to eliminate our mooring in history, and to blur and sometimes even entirely change the meaning of words.
In this case, because there’s a deliberate effort to make them interchangeable, we have to carefully reclaim the distinction between immigration and migration.
And once we do that, we next have to be sure we share the same definition of “invasion.”
Just this week, on the 24th of January, Governor Abbott of Texas invoked the word invasion as it is spelled out in the US Constitution to reclaim border integrity and the rule of law.
Make no mistake about it; the migration efforts of the UN, dozens of NGOs, and with the full political backing of the US administration and most EU nation leaders are meant to weaken the West.
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Don’t take my word for it, take theirs. The most recent UN IOM report openly states that they want to address interanion inequality by “increasing development financing through remittances.”
That’s bureaucratic code-speak for “people from poor countries being loaded into rich countries where they will then secure money to send home. That is, make the poor countries richer by making the rich countries poorer.
More confusingly, the stated goals of these monster and well-funded organizations are a hot mess of incoherence, at once decrying climate change and fostering the mass relocation of people from low GDP and carbon-producing countries to high GDP and high carbon output countries.
How is that helping climate change, exactly? Nobody could possibly say because these efforts are going to accelerate carbon emissions, not lower them.
Presumably, this means the current legal residents of the host countries will be forced to give up their gas stoves and drive ridiculously expensive electric cars to offset these new emissions.
The bottom line? Migration has been weaponized to purposely weaken Western nations. But, they did tell us they were going to do this, after all, so it’s not like we weren’t warned: