Home Inflation, Taxation, Then Deflation Will Destroy Prosperity. Guaranteed.

Inflation, Taxation, Then Deflation Will Destroy Prosperity. Guaranteed.

The Harris-Walz ‘plan’ for taxes and the economy are guaranteed to lead to ruin. But they make for great policies rooted in envy and resentment – the twin sources of fuel for all Communist-Marxist movements throughout history. Please take heed and move your wealth out of harms’ way.

The User's Profile Chris Martenson August 22, 2024
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With Paul Kiker off on holiday this week, this is a solo presentation.

I hold two thoughts about the world’s financial ““markets”” at present:

More people will be harmed by the bursting of the many nested Fed-enabled financial bubbles than were ever harmed by Covid itself and/or the devastating Void and jab policies.

The markets are actually “”markets”” and are almost entirely works of fiction which are maintained for their narrative powers rather than their ability to accurately channel capital to where it is most needed and valued.

Accordingly, the various lies that have been told and retold over the decades about such things as employment and inflation, are now systematically and unashamedly emitted by US government agencies.

Jobs were just admitted to be “overstated” by 818,000 and revised downward as even the most casual of economic observers knew they would be.  Nobody even blinked, and nothing happened as a result, and nobody will be held accountable.

Ditto for inflation.  Nothing but transparent lies and fabrications in service of a narrative that loosely can be understood as “your leaders are doing a great job!”

Which, of course, they aren’t.

But if it weren’t for lies and gaslighting, what would DC and its MSM enablers actually talk and write about?  The truth?  LOL

At any rate, lurking under all the noisy fictions is something more sinister which is that the Harris-Walz promise is to deliver economic and taxation polices that are indistinguishable from list items from the Communist-Marxist manifesto.

Fed a steady diet of narcissism and rewards for self-absorption, far too many in the current generation are primed to believe that envy and resentment are legitimate underpinnings for national policy.

“Soak the rich!” is the battle cry.

Naturally, to believe this you have to be 100% ignorant of history, both global and US.

History shows that all such programs create poverty and misery and that causes the “rich line” to move steadily lower until it envelops even the lower middle classes, many of whom are currently cheering on this program (soon to become a pogrom?).

Regardless of these political shenanigans and strong indictments of the US educational system, the path seems clear enough; the Fed will eventually cave and ‘cut rates’ and then ‘expand QE’ and do everything in its considerable power to complete its project of destroying the US and its middle class while transferring all f the wealth to a very tiny minority.

Sadly, those fools will eventually discover what people have always discovered all throughout history; that all of that wealth isn’t real wealth at all.  It’s merely a currency that represents a claim on wealth which is – surprise! – created by real people doing real things and creating real products and delivering real services.

Stack up all the claims you wish, but if there’s nothing to spend it on, it’s not really wealth at all.  It’s claims.  Paper promise tickets set against an empty cupboard.

Or maybe they’ll rediscover this:

Greed is one of the 7 deadly sins, and for a good reason.  It leads to ‘wrath.’

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