Home Kamala’s Tax Proposals Are Horrifying

Kamala’s Tax Proposals Are Horrifying

At what line do we say someone’s forced labor crosses over from ‘voluntary’ to being a slave? Certainly that happens at 100% of one’s labor. I would submit that’s still true at 99%, and so now the argument is where exactly is that line?

The User's Profile Chris Martenson August 28, 2024
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  1. To live in the US means to pay very high taxes relative to the services received.  In some cases, the US has decided that some people – mainly successful, hard-working business owners – should be punished with tax rates usually associated with hard-core socialist countries.

50% and even 60% tax rates are not unheard of for some people in some states (combined fed and state).

But what do they get in return?

A smoothly functioning and highly supportive regulatory environment?  Free health care?  Free college tuition?  Unbelievably awesome infrastructure?

No, they get none of that, in fact nearly the exact opposite in each case.

It’s time to demand better, and to reject punishing taxes on our most productive.  If we don’t, they’ll leave for better habitats, which California is already experiencing as people flee the state to the tune of 500,000 over the past few years.


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