Home Making Your Home Firewise

Making Your Home Firewise

The User's Profile JW June 19, 2012
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With all of the wildfires currently being battled in many states, it is always a good idea to learn and review wildfire/forest fire safety and precautions.  Here are some resources to refresh your knowledge and help build action plans to protect your property and community from the dangers of fire. 

Learn – Take Actions – Be Safe

From the Firewise Communities Website:

This video presents ideas and techniques for homeowners when constructing or modifying homes in the wildland/urban interface areas. Topics covered in the video are: Roof, Windows, Eaves, Decks, and Landscaping. The video also provides information that a prevention officer or anyone with cooperative duties can use in a presentation or as a basis of discussion for various local groups.

More Informational Videos to Learn More.