Home New Martenson Report: Where do we go from here?
The Martenson Report

New Martenson Report: Where do we go from here?

The User's Profile Chris Martenson March 15, 2009
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A new Martenson Report is ready for subscribers.  In it, I describe the worst and best case scenarios that I see possible in the next few years, highlight China’s concerns, examine the global trade deficit, and conclude that the bottom is not in.

Link to report

You should be cautious in allowing the opinions of experts everywhere – including me – to override your own common sense. Be careful to separate facts from opinions from beliefs. In desperate times, it is normal for the already-murky boundaries between these three elements to blur even further.

While I am agnostic over whether the stock market will bounce upwards for a while or resume on a path towards new lows, I am nearly 100% certain that we’re not done wringing the former excesses and malinvestments out of the system.