In this week's Off the Cuff podcast, Chris and Brian Pretti discuss:
- Moribund Capital
- Asset prices are rising due to money that will never hit the economy
- Absence Of Useful Market Signals
- No reliable benchmarks for the investor to trust
- Dead Volatility
- Making the market more vulnerable once it returns to life
- Zombie Economies
- Too many sovereign nations have become the 'financial undead'
When will all the imbalances matter? we all are wondering.
In this week's podcast with Brian Pretti, Chris discusses how today's markets have become the "walking dead". Like trying to re-animate corpses, the central banks of the world are pumping money into the major financial systems around the world.
Like an AED (aka "defibrillator"), that may create some spasmatic convulsions that allow the economists and politicians to say "It's Alive!!", but it's not true vitality. Without continuous shocking, necrosis takes over again quickly.
So flooding the system they still are. But none of that money will make into the real economy.