Home Off The Cuff: Our Runaway Debt Is Hurtling Towards The End Of The Line
Off the Cuff

Off The Cuff: Our Runaway Debt Is Hurtling Towards The End Of The Line

The User's Profile Adam Taggart June 15, 2020
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In this week’s Off The Cuff podcast, Chris and John Rubino discuss:

  • Why runaway debt has taken us beyond the point of no return
  • Why this very predictably will end in a fiat currency crisis/collapse
  • Why to expect more civil unrest
  • In the short term, expect MMT, market volatility and accelerating inequity

The events we’ve been predicting for over a decade are now happening at an accelerating pace. That tremendous pile of global debt we’ve been warning of? It’s exploding higher. The US alone just added a full $1 trillion(!) in government debt in the month of May.

The world is so over-leveraged right now that interest rates can never be (willingly) allowed to rise again, else the entire economic system will crash. Once we accept that conclusion, the actions of the central banks and their implications become simple to predict. The sad reality is, as John explains below, is that they are trapped on a trajectory that will inevitably crash the system anyways.

The rich are continuing to get richer as we descend into what might be a depression. That is just astounding. And as for the Fed and the government right now, they’re doing all they feel like they can do.

They only have this one tool, right? I mean, they have met every crisis with easy money.

And it has worked in their terms. Because it got them through the rest of the business cycle or out of the recession that they were in, or whatever.

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Top Comment

It’s almost like we knew this was going to happen next.
If there are no riots in your neighborhood yet, don’t worry, they won’t stop...
Anonymous Author by travissidelinger
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