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by Chris Martenson

Below is a Martenson Report from February that I am now making freely available.  I referenced it in today’s Financial Sense Newshour broadcast with Jim Puplava.  

This report states my arguments for why our experiences with steadily rising asset prices, mainly for stocks and bonds and houses, over the 1980’s and 1990’s may have been as much a function of simple demographic pressures as anything else. 

It’s worth pondering.  

Where are we going, and what lies next? To address these questions, we need to know how we got here in the first place.

I want to share with you an interesting observation that I think will provide great clarity and insight into our current predicament, as well as indicate that our recovery, such as it is, will be protracted and incomplete.

The Great Baby Boomer Asset Bubble
by Chris Martenson

Below is a Martenson Report from February that I am now making freely available.  I referenced it in today’s Financial Sense Newshour broadcast with Jim Puplava.  

This report states my arguments for why our experiences with steadily rising asset prices, mainly for stocks and bonds and houses, over the 1980’s and 1990’s may have been as much a function of simple demographic pressures as anything else. 

It’s worth pondering.  

Where are we going, and what lies next? To address these questions, we need to know how we got here in the first place.

I want to share with you an interesting observation that I think will provide great clarity and insight into our current predicament, as well as indicate that our recovery, such as it is, will be protracted and incomplete.

by Chris Martenson

In yesterday’s video (Coronavirus Infections Outside Of China Are Growing Exponentially) from Feb 19th, 2020, I put out the science behind why a second exposure may be worse than the first. That’s anything but proven at this point, but the fact that both SARS and MERS are that way, and given the high degree of sequence homology between both of those and COVID-19 we’re just going to have to guess that a second exposure to COVID-19 is worth avoiding.

So much so that I’ve made the personal decision that I’m not going to get it the first time around. Mostly to avoid being at risk of getting it a second time.

That’s a calculation based on the currently available data, which, admittedly, involves making a number of assumptions and a couple of educated leaps.

I’m uncomfortable speculating in public because I’d be crucified by those protecting the official narrative.

Here’s my primary personal strategy when it comes to the coronavirus (aka covid-19): Don’t get infected!

Not until a truly effective vaccine is ready and I’ve gotten it. That’s going to be up to 18 months from now, possibly longer.

This means I have to be ready to self-distance from other people for that entire time. It means I have to be mentally and financially ready to isolate at home for a very long time, if necessary. For much longer than I was actually prepared for when all this erupted last month.

So, over the past few weeks I have taken the following steps… (Enroll now to continue reading)


Why I’m Ramping Up My Coronavirus Preparations
PREVIEW by Chris Martenson

In yesterday’s video (Coronavirus Infections Outside Of China Are Growing Exponentially) from Feb 19th, 2020, I put out the science behind why a second exposure may be worse than the first. That’s anything but proven at this point, but the fact that both SARS and MERS are that way, and given the high degree of sequence homology between both of those and COVID-19 we’re just going to have to guess that a second exposure to COVID-19 is worth avoiding.

So much so that I’ve made the personal decision that I’m not going to get it the first time around. Mostly to avoid being at risk of getting it a second time.

That’s a calculation based on the currently available data, which, admittedly, involves making a number of assumptions and a couple of educated leaps.

I’m uncomfortable speculating in public because I’d be crucified by those protecting the official narrative.

Here’s my primary personal strategy when it comes to the coronavirus (aka covid-19): Don’t get infected!

Not until a truly effective vaccine is ready and I’ve gotten it. That’s going to be up to 18 months from now, possibly longer.

This means I have to be ready to self-distance from other people for that entire time. It means I have to be mentally and financially ready to isolate at home for a very long time, if necessary. For much longer than I was actually prepared for when all this erupted last month.

So, over the past few weeks I have taken the following steps… (Enroll now to continue reading)


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