Look, it’s wrong to pretend (or hope) that the legalized theft framework outlined in The Great Taking won’t be utilized. After all, why would ‘they’ install this trigger if they didn’t intend for it to be there to be pulled at some future point?
And it’s just as wrong to simply point out the legal deceptions and immoral nature of the steps they’ve taken without offering some sort of response or set of solutions.
Everything we’re presenting here is for discussion and education only. Before you undertake any specific actions you should consult with your financial advisor(s) and/or lawyers.
However, be sure to come armed with the information contained in this series because unless you are working with a very special sort of advisor or lawyer, they probably aren’t going to understand your concerns, let alone help you craft your own avoidance strategies.
We do quite strongly encourage you to consider speaking with the experts at Kiker Wealth Management who do get it (click here, fill out the simple form, and they’ll get back to you post-haste), and while they haven’t gotten all of the responses and strategies in place, they are working as diligently as they can to get there.
Did I mention how unnecessarily complex this all is?
But that’s simply how the game has been set up and we’ve all got to play along (for now).