Home The Mystery of the Blood In the Bathroom

The Mystery of the Blood In the Bathroom

Where did the blood in the bathroom come from? How did that “operator” get to the bathroom? Not through the only door we know was operating on the East side. Was there another door? If it didn’t come from an ‘operator’ then who did it come from?

The User's Profile Chris Martenson August 12, 2024
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The body and dash camera dumps from local law enforcement answered a few things but raised many more questions.  Mysteries abound in and around the Amercian Glass Research Building 6.

One big mystery is whose blood was it in the bathroom that caused a second shooter panic to briefly ensue causing nearly every officer of every flavor to rush into the building in haste?

We can account for every person going into and out of the building through door #9 and none of them appear to be “an operator” whose hand was injured enough to leave blood all over an interior bathroom.

This mystery definitely needs to be tied up.

Another mystery centers on a dodgy-looking handoff of something that might be a gun, or it might be a door-breaching tool.  It’s hard to say, but it’s on a sling.  On second look, and under higher magnification, I’m going with door-breaching implement.  What do you think?

Tomorrow we’re going to have a closer look at the movements of the plain clothes LEOs because I think there’s something there that just isn’t adding up correctly.

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