Home The Next Brewing Crisis

The Next Brewing Crisis

The User's Profile Chris Martenson April 17, 2020
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Are you tired of the coronavirus yet?

Many folks have already hit their saturation point on covid-19 news.

And yet, it doesn’t go away. It continues to drag on, almost as if the virus doesn’t care what we think.

The nerve.

We can see society’s weariness of the topic in the data:

The coronavirus traffic bump to news sites is pretty much over already

Apr 14, 2020

Some parts of America seem to be having — early, tentative, potential — success flattening the curve of COVID-19 infections. But there’s one place where the curve has already gone flat: traffic to news sites. Last month’s striking surge in audience attention has ebbed week by week and has now largely washed away. Here’s what that looks like:

But the trend line is consistent across the board: The explosion of traffic to news sites in mid-March was a spike, not a leveling-up to a new baseline. Interest in coronavirus news has fallen substantially. The “new normal” has indeed become, well, kinda normal.

This could all change tomorrow, of course. At any moment, some giant new COVID-19 shock could refocus the world’s attention.

But this is a pattern we’ve seen before, on subjects as different as Donald Trump’s various violations of presidential norms and climate change: Sustained attention is hard to maintain over time, no matter how objectively important a topic might be.


I get the exhaustion. I really do. Adam and I are certainly feeling it ourselves.

But this is not the time to have our sustained attention drop during the most pivotal moment in recent history. 

The things you do today and tomorrow will be among the most important you’ve ever undertaken.

While a huge part of that will be avoiding getting the coronavirus, if you already haven’t, the remainder will deal with preparing for the inevitable changes that are now upending… well — practically everything.

I’m concerned – deeply concerned – that our unsustainable debt-based monetary system is going to break, resulting in great misery and harm for billions across the globe.  It was always destined to break, and now the reckoning is here.

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