Home The UK is Lost (And Your Country is Slated to be Next)

The UK is Lost (And Your Country is Slated to be Next)

The UK is lost. Its judiciary and political class have entirely turned against their own local citizens in preference for the feelings and presumed felt experiences of refugees. It’s beyond grotesque, and it’s also by design. Remember, “By 2030 Western values will have been tested to the breaking point.” I’d say they are right on schedule.

The User's Profile Chris Martenson August 12, 2024
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In their continuing efforts to treat us all like Rats in a Cage, the UK represents the bleeding edge of social experimentation.  Why?  Probably because it’s an island nation and that makes it a rather ideal petrie dish in which to conduct the next levels of social experimentation.

Test it out on a captive audience who largely lack the ability to compare their mistreatment to other nearby populations.

By studying the UK I think we can gather a sense of what’s next in store for us. And that’s upsetting, to be honest.

I have zero interest in following in the footsteps of the UK judiciary which has entirely turned its back on its own people and is busy meting out unjust and unfair punishments on their own people.

I fail to see how this isn’t precisely a V For Vendetta setup that will result in mass atrocities at some point.

The problem, as Michael Yon will quickly point out, is that they’ve already brought in several hundred thousand high-testosterone males who could easily overwhelm the disarmed and subjugated people of the UK in a single week of intense bloodshed.  There would be few ways of preventing this besides busting out the military and using live rounds.

There’s no good way back. 

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