Home The Whole System Needs to be Burned Down
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The Whole System Needs to be Burned Down

The collectivist mindset cannot be reasoned with. It is immune to logic and resistant to any countervailing facts on the ground. Join Peter Boghossian and I as we struggle mightily to grasp a mindset that might as well be alien to us.

The User's Profile Chris Martenson August 9, 2024
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Can this be fixed in time?

And by this I mean can the mind virus be defeated before it destroys our entire system of order and prosperity?

My good friend Peter Boghossian and I discuss the depths of the predicament leveraging his deep knowledge and his up-close-and-personal experience within (and then cast out from) the higher education system.

The conclusion?  No.  We’re probably going to have to start over.

Burn it down, and begin anew.

So find some empty space this weekend, while gardening or driving somewhere, and listen in.


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