Home To Create A World Worth Inheriting

To Create A World Worth Inheriting

You know what we need? A new story. If we had a new and better story, we could immediately begin the process of repairing all that ails us. To that end, here are six things we could immediately put in place that would require will power alone. No new technology has to be invented. We have what we need already.

The User's Profile Chris Martenson August 20, 2024
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I’m glad that we’re finally at the point where we can openly expose and participate in discussions that can honestly explore the truth of our many problems and predicaments.

It’s 100% clear that some dark-triad personality types have made some sort of deal with the Devil, or had such ruined personalities that they didn’t even have to – they’re just nasty, evil people.

They’ve been busy promoting products that harm and then ‘treatments’ that attend to the symptoms that result.

Well, it doesn’t have to be that way.

If we were healthy as a culture, there are many things we could do to immediately right the ship and build toward a better future.

Today I present 6 things we can (and should) do if we want a better future.  No more lying to ourselves and no more pretending we can’t see what’s right in front of our faces.

This is part of no longer “playing not to lose,” and thinking about what it would look like if we were instead playing to win.

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